
Publication Date:2024-06-24 16:48

  A thermocouple is a commonly used temperature sensor that operates based on the thermoelectric properties of two different metals. When the two ends of a thermocouple are at different temperatures, an electromotive force is generated between the two metals, which is proportional to the temperature difference. This electromotive force can be measured as a voltage to determine the temperature.

  Thermocouples are valued for their wide measurement range (from very low to very high temperatures), fast response time, simple and durable construction, as well as relatively low cost. These attributes make thermocouples widely used in industrial process control, scientific laboratories, and various other applications.

  When using thermocouples, it is important to consider that different types are suitable for different temperature ranges and environmental conditions. Choosing the right type of thermocouple is crucial for ensuring measurement accuracy. Additionally, special attention must be paid to the wiring of thermocouples to ensure reliable and accurate measurement results.

  In summary, thermocouples are indispensable tools for temperature measurement in modern industry and scientific research due to their reliability, affordability, and versatility.

Based on different temperature requirements, Y&H frequently uses and offers the following types of thermocouples categorized by material:

  1. Type K (Nickel-Chromium/Nickel-Alumel):

    1. Temperature Range: Approximately -200°C to +1260°C

    2. Characteristics: Widely used in industrial applications due to its relatively high accuracy, reliability, and versatility in temperature measurement. It is suitable for both oxidizing and reducing atmospheres.

  2. Type S (Platinum-Rhodium/Platinum):

    1. Temperature Range: Approximately 0°C to +1600°C

    2. Characteristics: Known for its high accuracy and stability at high temperatures. Type S thermocouples are commonly used in laboratories and industrial applications where precision temperature measurement is critical. They are typically used in oxidizing atmospheres.

  3. Type B (Platinum-Rhodium/Platinum-Rhodium):

    1. Temperature Range: Approximately 0°C to +1820°C

    2. Characteristics: Offers the highest temperature range among standard thermocouples. Type B thermocouples provide excellent stability and accuracy at high temperatures, making them suitable for demanding applications such as metal processing and ceramic manufacturing. They are used in oxidizing atmospheres.

  The length of the thermocouple can be adjusted according to the size of the furnace or customized based on customer requirements. Please communicate and confirm specific specifications with us before placing an order.